GMG - Global Marine Group
GMG stands for Global Marine Group
Here you will find, what does GMG stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Global Marine Group? Global Marine Group can be abbreviated as GMG What does GMG stand for? GMG stands for Global Marine Group. What does Global Marine Group mean?Global Marine Group is an expansion of GMG
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Alternative definitions of GMG
- gornichts mit gornichts (absolutely nothing)
- Global Management Group
- Grenade Machine Gun
- Growing More Greater
- Glades Media Group
- Game Group
- Goodman Group
- gross maximum generation
View 95 other definitions of GMG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GNS Galileo Network Spa
- GISPPL GIS People Pty Ltd
- GLGI GL Group Inc.
- GBT Gama Business Travel
- GAR Georgia Associated Realty
- GCL Gloster Cables Limited
- GLPT Great Lakes Polymer Technologies
- GV The Gravity Vault
- GKF Global Knowledge France
- GBC The Gordon Bernard Company
- GUTO German University of Technology in Oman
- GRNCSB Gwinnett Rockdale Newton Community Service Board
- GVG Global Voucher Group
- GEC Golden Equator Capital
- GIPN Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest
- GCMCL Ghana Cocoa Marketing Company Limited
- GIL Geospatial Insight Limited
- GNLL Geoff Neal Litho Ltd
- GTS Genesis Technical Systems
- GSRAA GSR Andrade Architects